
Posted: May 1, 2010 in 什麼話什麼畫
前幾天突然很想幫我的所有鞋子做個紀念….可是畫沒幾雙花好久時間 最後…就是這樣了
鞋架上櫃子裡有60幾雙鞋 我是神經病嗎 從大學買到現在很多都捨不得丟
但是每天都只穿我的白色converse 穿到壞掉到converse店看到一堆五顏六色的都覺得很不錯 最後還是繼續買一雙一模一樣的回家

最近很喜歡chairlift的bruises這首歌  聽著歌詞再看到一些事 果然時間才是最好證明很多事情的方法
人在表面做出來的樣子說甚麼一點也不重要 實際上怎麼做才有真正的value
It’s not about what you say, it’s about what you do.
當然 有些東西 可以選擇把他看得很淡 也可以看的很重 可以願意相信 也可以不要相信 一切都在一念之間
不過就是在某些時候 對我曾經相信的很多 感到不值 maybe this is really a life-time lesson for me ba~
三個字送我自己: SUCK IT UP,
then just be慶幸, move on, 繼續放空人生吧!!

share part of lyrics:

I tried to do handstands for you
I tried to do headstands for you
Every time I fell on you, yeah every time I fell
I tried to do handstands for you
But every time I fell for you
I’m permanently black and blue
Permanently blue for you

I got bruises on my knees for you
And grass stains on my knees for you
Got holes in my new jeans for you
Got pink and black and blue


Posted: May 1, 2010 in 什麼話什麼畫
To Karen – in memory of her mini  08′
TSA Chinese new year flyer 08′

11.01.08′ Lost and Found.


魚 The Edge

Posted: March 20, 2010 in 什麼話什麼畫

這是陳綺貞繼旅行的意義之後 我覺得最棒的歌 唱到會讓人想哭 歌詞超有感觸 雖然不懂魚有甚麼metaphor但是還是很有意境
發現我在逃避現實的時候 都很愛從事創作 可以暫時逃脫不用腦袋

魚 The Edge

陳綺貞 key: G

G Csus4 C

我坐在椅子上 看日出復活

Am D G
我坐在夕陽里 看城市的衰弱
G G/B Csus4 C
我摘下一片葉子 讓它代替我
Am D Gsus4-G
Em Em7/D A7/#C
曾經 狂奔 舞蹈 貪婪的說話
Cm D
G G/B Csus4 C
帶不走的 丟不掉的 讓大雨侵蝕吧
Am D G
Em Em7/D A7/#C
Cm D G
別讓我飛 將我溫柔豢養
帶不走的留不下的 我全都交付他

讓他捧著我在手掌 自由自在揮灑


原諒我飛 曾經眷戀太陽

帶不走的丟不掉的 讓大雨侵蝕吧
讓它推向我在邊界 奮不顧身掙扎

帶不走的留不下的 我全都交付他
讓他捧著我在手掌 自由自在揮灑
如果有一個懷抱 勇敢不計代價
別讓我飛 將我溫柔豢養
原諒我飛 曾經眷戀太陽


Posted: January 26, 2008 in 什麼話什麼畫
A pianoist.
This drawing is based on one scene in a MV by 梁靜茹, 小手拉大手, which is quite cute.
Stillness of the scene/people/small home equipments are those which are more appealing than any other thing !

City according to me

Posted: October 5, 2007 in 什麼話什麼畫
A city according to me.
I like the appearance of big cities. I like what those tall buildings look like under the dark sky. Decorated with yellow-illuminant windows. I always want to look into the windows to see people doing a shiftwork at night.  
Outside of those enormous building, I sometimes envy these people who can work inside the building, most of the time, I like the looks these guys have. I guess it is a sense of being busy, making lots of money, ability to contribute to the family,and the most important: Independence on your own.  It also represents a figure of some king of fame, and sucess to the mundane public. 
What is so hard is that we can hardly see through ourselves that what is the real motive beneath our desiration to go into these giant buildings.  There are always a lot of questions I have in respect to my own life. This one is certainly one of them. Nonetheless, none of these question has never been solved anyway. Yet it is nice that I can point them out and make other people intrigued with me.
So I know I am not alone.

No title.

Posted: September 29, 2007 in Uncategorized
I havent had so much thoughts for so long until tonight.
今天是一個很down的星期五, 沒有什麼特別的原因, 我想我就只是一個很奇怪的人, 很忙碌的日子裡, 我還是一樣會去健身房運動, 一樣的努力把自己放在圖書管理, 房間裡, 從事所謂"該做的正經事" , 我在想, 是因為很久沒開心的跟人講話的原因嗎? 可是, 當電話響起, 我卻要猶豫半天才會把電話接起. 還是停留在一種 anti social 的階段.  前一陣子開始看起另一個暑假注意到的台劇, 叫做我要變成硬柿子, 本來覺得沒什麼特別, 就看一看來打發時間吧, 沒想到劇情到後半部果真是賺人熱淚阿, 我本來就愛哭, 再加上一些莫名奇妙的催化劑, 今天晚上我就這樣子坐在電腦前面哭了6-7小時左右, 眼睛腫的根核桃一樣, 抱的枕頭濕了又乾 乾了又濕. 好在劇情的結尾是個可愛的happy ending 讓我終究是笑著關了視窗. 可是, 我卻想起了你.
人往往在陰錯陽差之下, 做了不同的選擇. 這些選擇帶領我們走向不同的人生. 但是有時候, 我們繞了好一大圈, 卻又繞回原點. 雖然回到原點不見得不是一件好事, 因為代表我們可以站在一個無人的本壘, 重新開始進攻. 不管之前的比數是多少, 每一個inning都有可能創造奇蹟. 我曾經花了很多時間是圖了解愛情, 看了很多書, 聽了很多別人的故事與想法. 但是我都沒有找到過. 有些我以為是的愛, 其實不是愛. 有些我以為不是愛, 但往往卻更令人心碎. 或許沒有人懂我再說什麼,但是哪一點也不重要, 因為這些問題的答案對我來說其實也一點也不重要. 如果有一天, 我們突然要面臨死亡, 那會是什麼感覺? 我們會不會改變很多處裡事情的態度與想法呢?   假設性的問題的確沒什麼意義. 但是我卻為此而感到憂傷.
當我想起在醫院 當我想那些種種, 好的壞的. 大笑的大哭的. 真的是百感交集. 我想,事實證明了這並不是次數的問題. 而是一種態度與默契.
人的確很難理解與定義自己真實的感覺. 有時候表現出來的與心理想的是截然相反. 想法也是瞬息萬變. 而我想, 愛情之所以難能可貴, 就因為它是自由選擇的. 但是即使如此, 我還是愛那些努力的人門, 因為有努力 才能造就可愛的事物. 話又說回來, 這個劇也同時讓我想起了一些共患難的老朋友, 一直以來都擁有一群平常對我尖酸刻薄講話心狠手辣但是卻無時無刻會留著一個位置給我的好朋友們. 跟他們相處之間 沒有虛情假意 雖然台灣人不像美國人會摟摟抱抱表示友好 但是我們不善言詞間卻存有更堅深的感情 我很想念你們. 對拉 我還特別想起張博翔你這個豬頭 希望你當兵一切順利 快點變man然後把個日本妹來見識一下拉….還有朱岑宜 既然你都姓朱 我就不叫你豬頭了拉..反正你連msn都沒有 我想你也不可能會看到的 這年頭怎麼會有人沒有msn呢 真是個大豬頭!
嗯 打一打字後 眼睛也消腫不少 終於可以去睡拉 希望明天心情很晴 做事很productive 給我自己期中考加油.

Unrestful Heart

Posted: March 27, 2007 in 什麼話什麼畫
Way back into love (Movie: music and lyrics)
My Opinion for the movie : Cute but cliché. Plus I am never a Hugh Grant fan…….
yet irrespective of the movie itself, the theme song therein is quite good, especially the LYRICS.
the new drawing was based on the lyrics and of course my complex emotions in terms of everybody’s stories is inclusive.
I’ve been living with a shadow overhead
I’ve been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I’ve been lonely for so long
Trapped in the past, I just can’t seem to move on

I’ve been hiding all my hopes and dreams away
Just in case I ever need `em again someday
I’ve been setting aside time
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind

All I wanna do is find a way back into love
I can’t make it through without a way back into love

I’ve been watching but the stars refuse to shine
I’ve been searching but I just don’t see the signs
I know that it’s out there
There’s gotta be something for my soul somewhere

I’ve been looking for someone to shed some light
[ Lyrics found on ]

Not somebody just to get me through the night
I could use some direction
And I’m open to your suggestions

All I wanna do is find a way back into love
I can’t make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart again
I guess I’m hoping you’ll be there for me in the end

There are moments when I don’t know if it’s real
Or if anybody feels the way I feel
I need inspiration
Not just another negotiation

All I wanna do is find a way back into love
I can’t make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart to you
I’m hoping you’ll show me what to do
And if you help me to start again
You know that I’ll be there for you in the end


Still All Water

Posted: February 3, 2007 in 什麼話什麼畫
Ha. It has been awhile to update. It’s really funny that watching soap opera contributes to my creativity.
In fact, it was a song that I heard from the drama that gave me the thoughts of this drawing.
徐若瑄 好眼淚壞眼淚 (附註. 我覺得歌名取的很爛…….哈哈)
我曾 認真 深愛著一個人
他給我幸福 的可能
我等 我問 未來何時發生

快樂 我哭 是因為你的手
難過 我哭 是因為我的手
找不到你說的 以後
好眼淚 壞眼淚 我都曾為你流
只不過 在你不再愛我了以後

快樂 我哭 是因為我付出
難過 我哭 是因為我認輸

好眼淚 壞眼淚 我都曾為你流
只希望 在我不再想你了之後

好眼淚 壞眼淚 我都曾為你流
只希望 在我不再想你了之後


Boba MilkTea?
Bubble MilkTea?
MilkTea with Pearl? Haha.
I miss 50 Lan in Taiwan. While studying for my stupid Finals, I got distracted all the time by FOOD thoughts!